Tashinga Initiative Team - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024

Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024 has attracted the participation of a whopping 10 ZimParks Ranger Teams in the Zambezi Valley. Facilitated by Tashinga Initiative we need your support for these teams to cross the finish line on 21st September - stay with us!

Tashinga Initiative Team - Wildlife Ranger Challenge

Amount Raised:

+ $1.25 Gift Aid
64 remaining days
Target: $2,000
3 Donations

Our Story

Rangers are Africa’s unsung heroes. They hold diverse roles as conservationists, teachers, community support workers, leaders and much more.

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge, organised by Tusk, is a celebration of solidarity, connection and camaraderie for the ranger profession. Culminating on 21st September 2024, the campaign raises vital funds for Africa's biodiversity guardians.

For WRC 2024, your support to Tashinga Initiative - ZimParks Rangers could be far-reaching:  

-to continue providing those monthly, all-important patrol food hampers, - to ensure Rangers are operationalised with appropriate and essential patrol kit, 

- to maintain vehicle and/or boat patrols operating through the Zambezi Valley,  

- and your donation will keep Rangers’ morale strengthened through the provision of life insurance cover.

Give today and the Scheinberg Relief Fund will match every dollar donated, amplifying your impact. 

Join us in speaking up #ForWildlifeRangers


$37.95 from Tashinga Initiative - ZAVARU 2024

Good luck Team ZAVARU

7/16/24, 1:31 PM
7/16/24, 1:29 PM


$6.32 + $1.58 Gift Aid from Tashinga Initiative - ZAVARU 2024

Go team Zavaru!!

7/16/24, 1:22 PM

Tashinga Initiative - ZAVARU-Chewore

Tashinga Initiative - ZAVARU 2024

Amount Raised $57 of $2,000+ $1.25 Gift Aid
Mana Pools 2024

Tashinga Mana Pools - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024

Amount Raised $0 of $2,000
Tashinga Initiative - Charara

Tashinga Initiative - Charara - The Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024

Amount Raised $0 of $2,000
Tashinga Initiative - Mid Zambezi - Zimbabwe

Tashinga Initiative - Mid Zambezi - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024

Amount Raised $0 of $2,000
Tashinga Initiative - Chewore South - Zimbabwe

Tashinga Initiative - Chewore South - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2024

Amount Raised $0 of $2,000

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard